Pinjaman LPPSA

10 Popular questions about Lembaga Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam (LPPSA)


10 Popular questions about Lembaga Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam (LPPSA)

  1. What is LPPSA and what is its role in Malaysia?
  2. How does LPPSA help civil servants buy homes in Malaysia?
  3. What are the loan products and financing options offered by LPPSA?
  4. What are the eligibility criteria to apply for an LPPSA home loan?
  5. How much financing can I get from LPPSA for a home loan?
  6. What is the application process and documents required for an LPPSA home loan?
  7. How long does it take to get LPPSA home loan approval?
  8. What are the interest rates and repayment terms for LPPSA home loans?
  9. Can I use LPPSA financing to buy non-landed properties like apartments?
  10. How do I contact LPPSA for inquiries or to apply for home financing?


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What is LPPSA and what is its role in Malaysia?

Lembaga Pembiayaan Perumahan Sektor Awam (LPPSA) is a home financing institution under the Ministry of Finance in Malaysia. It was established in 1962 with the aim of providing easy and affordable home financing options to civil servants in Malaysia.As a statutory body, LPPSA plays a crucial role in the national housing agenda by making home ownership more accessible and affordable for government employees. Some key roles of LPPSA include:

  • Providing home financing products catered for civil servants – LPPSA designs financing packages and lending criteria specifically for eligible civil servants to purchase homes. This includes options like mortgage loans, deposit assistance, and more.
  • Administering the Civil Servants Housing Loan Fund – LPPSA manages the government’s revolving fund dedicated to provide home loans for civil servants. It ensures prudent and accountable use of the funds.
  • Facilitating home ownership applications – LPPSA acts as an one-stop centre to facilitate civil servants’ home ownership applications, from financing to paperwork. It streamlines the process.
  • Supporting developers and housing projects – LPPSA provides support to reputable developers and housing projects so civil servants have access to more options for home purchase under its financing schemes.
  • Managing repayments – It handles loan repayments, collections, and other credit administration matters related to civil servant home financing.

Overall, LPPSA makes home ownership more feasible for Malaysia’s 1.6 million strong civil service by providing customized financing support. It has helped over 300,000 civil servants own homes since its establishment.


How does LPPSA help civil servants buy homes in Malaysia?

LPPSA helps civil servants buy homes in Malaysia in the following key ways:

  • Home financing schemes – LPPSA offers various home financing products tailored for civil servants such as mortgage loans, deposit assistance, interest subsidy schemes and more. This makes home purchase more affordable.
  • Lower interest rates – Interest rates for LPPSA home loans are capped at 4% per annum, much lower than commercial housing loans. This reduces overall repayment costs.
  • Flexible repayment periods – Repayment periods of up to 40 years are allowed for LPPSA loans. Longer tenure means lower monthly repayments.
  • Financing up to 105% – LPPSA finances up to 105% of property price, catering up to 5% for related costs like legal fees and stamp duties. Reduces upfront cash needed.
  • No income restrictions – LPPSA does not impose income limits for applicants. Any civil servant who meets basic eligibility criteria can apply.
  • Deposit assistance – LPPSA provides a deposit assistance scheme where it bears 5% of the downpayment. This reduces applicant’s own deposit amount.
  • One-stop process – From financing approvals to paperwork, LPPSA facilitates the entire home buying process for civil servants seamlessly.

With such comprehensive support, LPPSA makes the dream of home ownership a reality for many civil servants across Malaysia.


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What are the loan products and financing options offered by LPPSA?

LPPSA provides a range of home financing products and options to serve different needs of civil servants in Malaysia. The main loan products include:

  • Conventional Housing Loan – The standard mortgage loan for purchasing residential properties. Financing rate is capped at 4% p.a. with tenure up to 40 years.
  • Deposit Assistance Scheme – LPPSA bears 5% of the property price as deposit assistance for eligible applicants. Reduces downpayment amount.
  • Interest Subsidy Scheme – For households earning RM10k and below per month. LPPSA subsidizes up to 3.5% interest for the first 5 years.
  • Public Rental Scheme – For low income households. LPPSA rents selected properties from developers at lower rental rates.

Other financing options offered:

  • Financing over 100% – LPPSA finances up to 105% to cover additional costs related to the purchase.
  • Islamic home financing – Shariah compliant financing is available for Muslim civil servants. The concept used is Bai Bithaman Ajil.
  • Second housing loan – Civil servants can apply for a second housing loan from LPPSA for purchase of another property.
  • Takeover of existing loan – LPPSA can take over and restructure existing commercial housing loans with lower interest rates.

This wide range caters to civil servants of all income levels and needs when purchasing their dream home.


What are the eligibility criteria to apply for an LPPSA home loan?

Here are the key eligibility criteria for civil servants to apply for a home loan with LPPSA:

  • Employment – Applicant must be a confirmed civil servant working with the Federal Government, State Government, Local Authorities and Statutory Bodies.
  • Nationality – Only Malaysian citizens are eligible to apply.
  • Age – Applicant’s age must be between 21 to 55 years at the time of application.
  • Income – No minimum income requirement. But income must be sufficient to service the monthly loan instalments.
  • Credit history – Applicant must have a good credit track record with no bankruptcy history.
  • Property – The property to be financed must be a completed residential property within Malaysia.
  • Usage – Property must be for own occupation or rental. Not for business or investment purposes.
  • Ownership – Applicant must not own any other residential property, unless applying for a second housing loan.
  • Loan amount – The loan amount sought must be within the remaining service period until retirement age of the applicant.
  • Documents – All required documents like identity card, salary slips, employment confirmation letter, etc. must be provided.
  • Terms – Applicant must agree to LPPSA’s financing terms and declare compliance with eligibility criteria.
  • Blacklist – Applicant must not be blacklisted in any credit reporting agencies like CCRIS and CTOS.

Meeting the above key criteria allows civil servants to unlock accessible and affordable home financing from LPPSA and realise their property ownership dreams.


How much financing can I get from LPPSA for a home loan?

The maximum financing amount you can obtain from LPPSA for a home loan depends on several factors:

  • Property price – LPPSA finances up to 105% of the property’s purchase price. So for a RM300,000 property, you may get up to RM315,000.
  • Remaining service period – LPPSA loans are capped based on your remaining years until retirement age. Generally, financing is capped at RM200,000 if remaining service period is 7 years or less.
  • Income level – Your loan eligibility is calculated based on your monthly income and existing financial obligations. Higher income allows higher financing quantum.
  • Age – The maximum tenure of 40 years is applicable for borrowers aged 35 and below. Older borrowers may get shorter tenure and hence lower loan amount.
  • Loan type – Maximum loan amount may vary depending on the specific loan product like conventional loan, deposit assistance scheme, interest subsidy scheme etc.
  • Credit history – Applicants with good credit history may get higher financing compared to new borrowers with no track record.

To determine the exact loan amount you can qualify for, consult with LPPSA’s home financing advisors who will assess your specific eligibility. Do budget properly so you apply for an optimal loan amount.


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What is the application process and documents required for an LPPSA home loan?

The application process for an LPPSA home loan involves the following key steps:Step 1: Identify Property

  • First identify the residential property you wish to buy. It must meet LPPSA’s criteria.

Step 2: Submit Application

  • Visit any LPPSA branch office or apply online with required documents.

Step 3: Processing & Approval

  • LPPSA will process the application and conduct credit/eligibility checks. Approval may take 2-8 weeks.

Step 4: Legal Documentation

  • Applicant to sign legal agreements and transfer documents prepared by lawyers.

Step 5: Disbursement

  • LPPSA will disburse approved loan amount directly to developer according to S&P agreement.

Documents required for application include:

  • Photocopy of identity card
  • Latest salary slip / employment confirmation
  • Credit report from CCRIS
  • Proof of downpayment capacity
  • Property documents – S&P agreement, title etc.

Ensure all documents are in order to facilitate smooth application and approval. Reach out to LPPSA officers for any assistance required.


How long does it take to get LPPSA home loan approval?

The time taken for loan approval for a LPPSA home loan application is typically between 2 to 8 weeks. However, the exact approval timeframe depends on several factors:

  • Application completeness – Applications with full documents may get faster approval in 2-4 weeks. Incomplete applications take longer.
  • Loan type – Conventional loans can be approved faster in 4-6 weeks. Subsidized loans like interest subsidy scheme may take 6-8 weeks due to additional assessment.
  • Credit history – Borrowers with good credit score and repayment track record can obtain faster approval. Those with past defaults may need longer assessment.
  • Property type – Loans for landed properties under construction may take longer around 6-8 weeks as the property’s completion needs to be ensured.
  • Application season – Approvals may take longer during peak seasons like year end when application volumes are higher.

To expedite approval, applicants should ensure they meet all eligibility criteria, submit complete documents, and respond promptly to any additional queries from LPPSA. Pre-approving major personal loans also helps. Tracking application status online provides updates on approval timeline.


What are the interest rates and repayment terms for LPPSA home loans?

LPPSA offers attractive interest rates and flexible repayment terms for civil servant home loans:Interest Rates

  • Conventional housing loan – 4% per annum (p.a.) fixed
  • Interest subsidy scheme – As low as 0.5% p.a. fixed for first 5 years
  • Public rental scheme – 2% p.a. fixed

Repayment Tenure

  • Maximum tenure of up to 40 years
  • Tenure granted based on applicant’s age and remaining service period

Repayment Flexibility

  • Option for equal monthly instalment (EMI) or graduated payments
  • Can make early repayments to reduce interest cost
  • Option to apply for payment deferral due to financial difficulties

LPPSA also provides an online repayment calculator to allow borrowers to simulate different loan amounts and tenure options and estimate their monthly repayments. The low rates and flexible tenure make home ownership affordable.


Can I use LPPSA financing to buy non-landed properties like apartments?

Yes, LPPSA home financing can be used to purchase non-landed residential properties such as:

  • Apartments
  • Condominiums
  • SOHO (Small-office Home-office)
  • Serviced residences
  • Townhouses
  • Cluster homes

However, there are some criteria to note when using LPPSA loan for such properties:

  • Property must be a completed property with Certificate of Fitness (CF). Cannot finance property under construction.
  • Strata title must be issued for the property with individual title deed.
  • For high rise properties, LPPSA only finances up to the 7th floor. Higher floors are not approved.
  • At least 50% of units in the apartment/condominium must already have individual strata titles issued
  • Financing limit is based on remaining service period of applicant. High value properties may not be fully financed.
  • LPPSA will assess the reputation of the developer and may impose restrictions for new developers.
  • Property location must be acceptable and not too remote.

So in summary, LPPSA does provide home financing options for civil servants to purchase non-landed residential properties, subject to certain terms and criteria. Applicants should check with LPPSA on the approval policy for the specific property they intend to buy.


How do I contact LPPSA for inquiries or to apply for home financing?

There are a few ways civil servants can contact LPPSA for inquiries, consultations or to apply for home financing:LPPSA Branch Offices

  • Visit any of the 11 LPPSA branch offices located nationwide. Meet customer service officers for inquiries or submit applications.

LPPSA Call Centre

  • Call LPPSA toll-free hotline at 1-800-88-3010 from 9am to 5pm on weekdays. Query with call agents on products and services.


  • Email your queries to LPPSA at [email protected]. Provide relevant details for clarification.

LPPSA Website

  • Access FAQs, online calculators, downloadable forms and more at Apply online via e-Silap portal.

Social Media

  • Follow and direct message LPPSA on Facebook at for assistance.
  • Message LPPSA on WhatsApp at +6019-290 9663.

Consult with LPPSA’s customer support via your preferred channel for personalized advisory on home financing products and application process.


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Key Takeaways

  • LPPSA provides customized home financing schemes to make home ownership affordable for civil servants.
  • Interest rates for LPPSA loans are capped at 4% p.a. with flexible tenure up to 40 years.
  • LPPSA offers financing products like conventional loans, deposit assistance, interest subsidy schemes and more.
  • Civil servants must meet eligibility criteria related to employment, income, property, credit history etc.
  • Financing amount depends on property price, applicant’s income, age, credit history and other factors.
  • LPPSA finances up to 105% of property price and also provide Islamic financing options.
  • Application involves steps like submission of documents, credit checks, approvals and legal documentation.
  • LPPSA can be contacted online, at branches, call centre and social media for home financing assistance.



  • LPPSA plays a key role in enabling civil servant home ownership in Malaysia through customized financing schemes and products.
  • By providing easy access to affordable home loans, LPPSA has helped over 300,000 civil servants own homes since 1962.
  • Civil servants looking to buy properties can leverage LPPSA’s low interest rates and flexible repayment terms for affordable mortgages.
  • LPPSA’s online portals, branch network and customer support provide guidance and assistance for home financing applications.


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